After buying rice and salt, Utuh Bakencong also wanted to bring raw dry corn for his two nephews. Fortunately, not far from where he stands, there is a seller of the main ingredients to make this delicious popcorn. Without further ado, he immediately bought it.
"I'm sure they'll be very happy to see what I've brought," he muttered under his breath as he walked towards his older brother's house.
Right in front of the house, the older brother was sweeping the yard. After reciprocating greetings, he immediately entered the house and found his two nephews in the family room.
"What are you guys doing?" Utuh Bakencong opened the conversation.
"Here we are playing, Uncle," replied Ahya, one of his nephews.
"What are you playing?" he was curious.
Then he approached the paper they were playing with.
"Oh, it looks like this toy. Now see what I brought?"
The two of them looked back and their faces instantly brightened. The boys looked very happy.
"Hooray! Dry corn! Let's make popcorn!" both exclaimed.
"Come on, let's go to the kitchen!" Utuh Bakencong's voice is no less loud.
The three of them left the living room and headed for the kitchen. Arriving at this cooking room, Ahya and Ikrima immediately looked for the ingredients mentioned by Utuh Bakencong. For example now, they are both looking for sugar. In fact, what they are looking for is in the hands of the uncle.
"What are you guys looking for?" asked Utuh Bakencong.
"This sugar is in my hand"
Then they both laughed merrily.
Yes, Utuh Bakencong deliberately hid it so that the atmosphere became more relaxed and exciting.
The cooking process begins. Utuh Bakencong mentioned the order of ingredients to make it, then his two nephews practiced it swiftly. After everything was complete, the uncle stirred and shook the pot filled with corn, sugar, and cooking oil until it was cooked.
"Now, take this caramel popcorn into the living room. We'll just eat there," said Utuh Bakencong to his nieces and nephews.
Soon, they too enjoy it in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. (MJA).
Watch the short film of this series in the following video.
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